Monday, February 20, 2012

A productive lazy day

I am shameful to admit that my sugar detox has not been going well. I broke the no sugar rule by lunchtime the day after I started. Although I have not been drinking chocolate milk. This can be explained; I, as so many other teenagers, prefer doing things we are not allowed to do, rather then the things we are allowed to do. I just happen to act out through food.

Anyhow. Today I read for about two hours. Then I felt like doing something with my room. I made my way down to the basement to find some bookshelf book stopper-holder in placers. I failed to find any. I did however find my old CD player. It still held my audio book CD of Pippi Longstocking. Swell. I have been so busy working on my room I forgot to eat all day. Bad day to skip breakfast.

The improvements of my room are the following;
CD player and a whole bunch of CDs I stole from my family's collection (it's not like they're going to miss them, they are all digitalized).
As the true book nerd I am the bookshelf over my bed has been turned into the place I keep my favorite books. Hence my need for book stopper-holder in placers; I regularly bump into said bookshelf and the possibly of the books falling on me would be high without them.
Decided the only clothes to be allowed to be hanging in my closet are the dresses, all other items of clothing must be folded and put in the drawers. I did the hanging of the dresses but I have yet to attack everything else.

It's not much, but I feel like I've had a productive afternoon. Here is a picture I drew, liked and framed:


  1. Jag viste inte att d var så bra på att måla! :)

    Har du sett mitt sms?

    1. Haha, det krävdes dagar, tårar, en hel massa sudd och en jävla massa tålamod för att åstadkomma det där! Men tack, det känns fint att höra det från ett proffs! ;)
